Tìm kiếm : game (đuôi file: pdf) Thấy 47 Kết quả
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STT Ngày Kích thước Tên file
41 2014-07-17 10.85 MB [123doc.vn] Learn Lua for iOS Game Development ppt.pdf
42 2019-03-26 11.90 MB LSAT Logic Games for Dummies.pdf
Improve your score on the Analytical Reasoning portion of the LSAT. If you're like most test-takers, you find the infamous Analytical Reasoning or "Logic Games" section of the LSAT to be the most elusive and troublesome. Now there's
43 2019-03-26 13.01 MB Unity 3.x Game Development by Example Beginner’s Guide.pdf
The book takes a clear, step-by-step approach to building small, simple game projects. It focuses on short, attainable goals so that the reader can finish something, instead of trying to create a complex RPG or open-world game that never sees the light
44 2017-11-09 35.96 MB Android Game Programming For Dummies.pdf
45 2016-05-19 35.96 MB Android Game Programming For Dummies.pdf
46 2019-03-26 47.36 MB Beginning android games.pdf
Thêm một cuốn sách của Apress cho những bạn mới lập trình Android games. Beginning android games gồm 14 chương, viết đầy đủ chi tiết các bước xây dựng android games, cũng như source code để cách bạn làm
47 2019-03-26 47.72 MB Beginning Android Games.pdf
Beginning Android Games offers everything you need to join the ranks of successful Android game developers. You'll start with game design fundamentals and programming basics, and then progress towards creating your own basic game engine and playable games.

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