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1 2019-03-26 93.75 KB Ability to Create & Manage Culture.pdf
This refers to the ability to fully understand the relationship between strategy and culture as the two major elements in business success. Here the practitioner must understand all the human and organizational elements which impact the organization's
2 2019-03-26 157.92 KB Learn and Manage cash rules 6.pdf
Nhiều công ty bắt đầu thử nghiệm mong đợi của nhà cung cấp bằng cách trả tiền tại thời điểm mới nhất có thể trong thời hạn cho phép lúc đầu, sau đó dần dần mở rộng chỉ một ngày mỗi tháng cho
3 2019-03-26 162.12 KB Learn and Manage cash rules 1.pdf
Cuốn sách này đưa ra một mô hình đơn giản để hiểu cách dòng tiền hoạt động và cung cấp quy trình quản trị trong kinh doanh
4 2019-03-26 9.21 MB Image processing in C.pdf
5 2019-03-26 8.84 MB Visual Cryptography and Secret Image Sharing.pdf
With rapid progress in Internet and digital imaging technology, there are more and more ways to easily create, publish, and distribute images. Considered the first book to focus on the relationship between digital imaging and privacy protection, Visual
7 2019-03-26 217.87 KB Hiephv Digital Image processing Bai tap lon.pdf
8 2019-03-26 217.87 KB Hiephv Digital Image processing Bai tap lon.pdf
9 2019-03-26 8.67 MB Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Fundamentals and Techniques.pdf
10 2019-03-26 5.31 MB Markov Random Fields for Vision and Image Processing.pdf
This volume demonstrates the power of the Markov random field (MRF) in vision, treating the MRF both as a tool for modeling image data and, utilizing recently developed algorithms, as a means of making inferences about images. These inferences concern
11 2019-03-26 8.16 MB Image and Video Processing in the Compressed Domain.pdf
As more images and videos are becoming available in compressed formats, researchers have begun designing algorithms for different image operations directly in their domains of representation, leading to faster computation and lower buffer requirements.
12 2019-03-26 940.44 KB Gender discrimination in academic medical careers and how to manage it.pdf
PURPOSE: To evaluate the experience of gender discrimination among a limited sample of women in academic medicine, specifically, the role of discrimination in hindering careers, coping mechanisms, and perceptions of what institutions and leaders of academic
13 2016-05-23 16.93 MB 14 Q2E BM6088 7 Techniques for better imaging Image quality.pdf
14 2019-03-26 679.95 KB Ghi 4GB lên dia CD v i CD Image GUI Beta 3 Software download 1Kho.pdf

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