Tìm kiếm : Sinking (đuôi file: pdf) Thấy 54 Kết quả
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1 2019-03-26 87.30 KB Note on Data Mining & BI in Banking Sector.pdf
2 2019-03-26 165.63 KB vocabulary banking.pdf
3 2019-03-26 721.99 KB Banking Basics.pdf
Tài liệu tham khảo về ngân hàng
4 2019-03-26 7.82 MB Modern Banking.pdf
5 2021-09-24 370.96 KB Strategic Thinking LeDinhTinh.pdf
6 2021-09-23 370.96 KB Strategic Thinking LeDinhTinh.pdf
7 2019-03-26 1.62 MB Banking for Family Business.pdf
Laurent Huck1 and Sergio Trezzi2 During the last 5 years the asset management industry has been constantly invested by events which have required top management of major companies to rethink their business model, while preserving their company’s
8 2019-03-26 2.08 MB Banking and Finacial terms.pdf
Hơn một trăm trang từ điển thuật ngữ tiếng Anh chuyên ngành ngân hàng và tài chính.
9 2021-11-17 1.06 MB Nắp chụp Viking.pdf
10 2019-03-26 479.38 KB banking k42 2005 4215.pdf.pdf
giáo trình về tài chính tiền tệ và ngân hàng chương III ngân hàng và các nghiệp vụ ngân hàng có nội dùng:   Lý luận chung Ngân hàng
11 2019-03-26 1.26 MB THE ART OF CREATIVE THINKING.pdf
John Adair is widely regarded as the world’s leading authority on leadership and leadership development. Over a million managers worldwide have taken part in the Action- Centred Leadership programmes he pioneered. From St Paul’s School, London,
12 2019-03-26 241.64 KB The Future Of Wireless Banking.pdf
Today’s banking and trading institutions realize they must move and move quickly to capitalize on new business opportunities in wireless banking and trading. Resistance to the implementation of wireless banking can lead to major losses at the business
13 2019-03-26 1.71 MB British and German Banking Strategies.pdf
The author investigates the strategies of eight publicly listed banks in Britain and Germany in the context of European financial integration. Evidence is provided that banks with defensive strategies fared better than those which attempted to break out
14 2019-03-26 3.33 MB The World of Private Banking.pdf
This is a full and authoritative account of the history of private banking, beginning with its development in conjunction with the world markets served by and centred on a few European cities, notably Amsterdam and London. These banks were usually partnerships,
15 2019-03-26 2.52 MB Thinking in C++ (1st Edition).pdf
Thinking in C++ (1st Edition) là cuốn sách chuyên ngành lập trình C++, lập trình hướng OOP với C++.
16 2019-03-26 168.71 KB Banking for Family Business phần 1.pdf
mua bảo hiểm đối với trường hợp mà ngay cả tốt nhất của chính sách phòng chống không để cung cấp các quy tắc để kiểm soát cuộc khủng hoảng / giảm thiểu và giải quyết. Trọng tâm của hành
17 2019-03-26 1.99 MB Thinking in C++ (2nd Edition).pdf.pdf
Thinking in C++ (2nd Edition) là cuốn sách chuyên ngành lập trình C++, lập trình hướng OOP với C++ đã được chỉnh sửa và xuất bản lại lần thứ 2
18 2019-03-26 7.35 MB Morgan Kaufmann .a Data Mining.pdf
19 2019-03-26 395.45 KB The latest thinking on Customer Satisfaction Measurement.pdf
Why we feel we understand the issues around customer satisfaction O We have been carrying out customer service audits, by telephone and face to face interviews, since 1995. O 6000 interviews have been completed. We always use ‘moments of truth’ Audits
In the first century BC lending and borrowing by senators – starting with Caesar and Crassus – was the talk of Rome and even provoked political crises. During this same period, the state tax-farmers, the famous publicani, were handling enormous

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