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21 2019-02-28 116.37 MB Action Vocabulary 3a.mp4
22 2019-02-28 103.88 MB Action Vocabulary 3b.mp4
23 2019-02-28 100.58 MB Action Vocabulary 2b.mp4
24 2019-02-28 108.49 MB Action Vocabulary 2a.mp4
25 2019-02-28 33.44 MB Action Vocabulary 1.mp4
26 2016-02-15 11.81 MB Old Film Action.rar
27 2019-03-26 4.74 MB Hibernate In Action.pdf
Tác giả: Christian Bauer, Gavin King - Nhà xuất bản: Manning Hibernate practically exploded on the Java scene. Why is this open-source tool so popular? Because it automates a tedious task: persisting your Java objects to a relational database.
28 2019-03-26 25.38 MB Portlets in Action.pdf
Portlets in Action is a comprehensive, hands-on guide to building portlet-driven applications in Java. Covers Portlet 2.0, Spring 3.0 Portlet MVC, WSRP 2.0, Portlet Bridges, Ajax, Comet, Liferay, GateIn, Spring JDBC, and Hibernate. About the Technology
29 2019-03-26 6.36 MB MongoDB in Action.pdf
MongoDB in Action introduces you to MongoDB and the document-oriented database model. This perfectly paced book provides both the big picture you'll need as a developer and enough low-level detail to satisfy a system engineer. Numerous examples will help
30 2019-03-26 18.96 MB Tika in Action.pdf
Tika in Action is a hands-on guide to content mining with Apache Tika. The book's many examples and case studies offer real-world experience from domains ranging from search engines to digital asset management and scientific data processing.
31 2019-03-26 13.52 MB Azure in Action.pdf
Azure in Action is a fast-paced tutorial intended for architects and developers looking to develop cloud-based applications on the Windows Azure Platform. Written by two of Microsoft's leading Azure evangelists, it's designed both for readers new to cloud
32 2019-03-26 18.56 MB DSLs in Action.pdf
Your success-and sanity-are closer at hand when you work at a higher level of abstraction, allowing your attention to be on the business problem rather than the details of the programming platform. Domain Specific Languages - "little languages" implemented
33 2019-03-26 17.02 MB Camel in Action.pdf
Apache Camel is a Java framework that lets you implement the standard enterprise integration patterns in a few lines of code. With a concise but sophisticated DSL you snap integration logic into your app, Lego-style, using Java, XML, or Scala. Camel supports
34 2019-03-26 807.96 KB 100 ACTION PRINCIPLES.pdf
35 2019-03-26 1.71 MB struts2 in action.pdf
36 2019-03-26 807.96 KB 100 ACTION PRINCIPLES.pdf
I n t ro d u c t i o n What is so inviting about the tried and true advice of the Action Principles is that the beneficial results are immediate. You don’t have to spend a year in graduate school, two days fasting or an hour chanting. Just stop,
37 2019-10-29 11.83 MB Kubernetes in Action.pdf
38 2019-06-02 3.66 KB ACTIONS IN ẢNH THẺ, cắt ảnh, quay ảnh.rar
39 2016-01-31 899.99 MB Red Faction GOG Linkneverdie.com.rar
40 2017-06-24 19.34 MB Action Patch LinkNeverDie.Com.rar

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