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21 2019-03-26 2.26 MB BSS Parameter Planning (Nokia).pdf
Document của Nokia Vendor, nếu ai là kĩ sư vô tuyến cũng như làm trong BSS của GSM system thì không thể không quan tâm đế tài liệu này
22 2019-03-26 13.05 MB Better CSS Font Stacks.pdf
One aspect of designing for the web that almost immediately offends designers is the lack of fonts that are considered safe to use. While it is true that there are only a handful of web safe fonts, the ones we do have at our disposal can be quite powerful
23 2019-03-26 1.26 MB Tự học ASP.NET.pdf
24 2019-03-26 1.25 MB Lập Trình ASP NET.pdf
25 2019-03-26 4.59 MB Python and AWS Cookbook.pdf
If you intend to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) for remote computing and storage, Python is an ideal programming language for developing applications and controlling your cloud-based infrastructure. This cookbook gets you started with more than two dozen
26 2019-03-26 8.06 MB ASP.NET jQuery Cookbook.pdf
Written in a cookbook style, this book offers solutions using a recipe-based approach. Each recipe contains step-by-step instructions followed by an analysis of what was done in each task and other useful information. The cookbook approach means you can
27 2019-03-26 35.55 MB ASP.NET 4 Unleashed.pdf
The most comprehensive book on Microsoft's new ASP.NET 4, ASP.NET 4 Unleashed covers all facets of ASP.NET development. Led by Microsoft ASP.NET program manager Stephen Walther, an expert author team thoroughly covers the entire platform.
28 2019-03-26 3.26 MB Designing Microsoft ASP.NET.pdf
Hướng dẫn thiết kế trong ASP.Net
29 2019-03-26 315.28 KB css cheat sheet v2.pdf
30 2019-03-26 6.40 MB Tự Học Đàn GUITAR BASS.pdf
Guitar bass là một nhạc khí rất quan trọng trong dàn nhạc. Sự góp mặt của guitar bass làm giàu thêm sắc trong các buổi hòa nhạc. Trên thế giới có những nghệ sĩ đa năng nhưng suốt
31 2019-03-26 1.01 MB Ngôn ngữ HTML và CSS.pdf
Ngôn ngữ HTML và CSS là hai ngôn ngữ lập trình web rất phổ biến. Với hai ngôn ngữ căn bản ngày sẽ đặt nền móng cho bạn về thiết kế website hấp dẫn
32 2019-03-26 1.26 MB lập trình WEB ASP NET.pdf
33 2019-03-26 12.49 MB CSS Web Design for Dummies.pdf
34 2019-03-26 12.54 MB Apress Pro CSS Techniques 2006.pdf
35 2019-03-26 13.56 MB (Wrox) CSS Instant Results (2006).pdf
36 2019-03-26 10.64 MB Lập Trình Website ASP.NET.pdf
37 2019-03-26 8.17 MB ASP.NET MVC 2 Cookbook.pdf
Written in cookbook style, this book offers solutions to all common web development problems through recipes. Each recipe contains step-by-step instructions followed by the analysis of what was done in each task and other useful information. The book
38 2019-03-26 28.71 MB Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4.pdf
Completely reengineered for ASP.NET 4—this definitive guide deftly illuminates the core architecture and programming features of ASP.NET 4 in a single, pragmatic volume. Web development expert Dino Esposito provides essential, architectural-level guidance,
39 2019-03-26 9.62 MB Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET.pdf
Wrox - Bắt đầu lập trình với Ajax
40 2019-03-26 388.09 KB Tài liệu ASM PIC (P1).pdf
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