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201 2019-03-26 24.89 MB SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise Content Management.pdf
SharePoint experts focus on SharePoint 2010 as a platform for Enterprise Content Management. SharePoint allows all users in an organization to manage and share their content reliably and securely. If you're interested in building Web sites using the new
202 2019-03-26 6.98 MB ECG Notes Interpretation & management Guide.pdf
203 2019-03-26 280.08 KB Project Management Manual Harvard Business School.pdf
Imagine that an important customer in your firm commissions you to complete a sophisticated worldwide market study that will form the basis of a global expansion strategy. Or that you are responsible for the development of the product which will determine
204 2019-03-26 4.10 MB Object Oriented Project Management with UML.pdf
205 2019-03-26 685.23 KB Risk management in a car factory.pdf
Risk management in a car factory
207 2019-03-26 148.97 KB knowledge management vn pdf 46054.pdf.pdf
  QUẢN TRỊ TRI THỨC – CHÌA KHOÁ THÀNH CÔNG CỦA DOANH NGHIỆP Theo nghĩa rộng thì tri thức trong doanh nghiệp là những hiểu biết và kỹ năng của cá nhân hay tập thể để giúp
208 2019-03-26 918.31 KB Chapter 8 Project management process improvement.pdf
Chapter 8: Closing Thoughts Companies are beginning to realize that they have to get a better return on their project management investment. Many have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours of employee time building a project management
209 2019-03-26 250.78 KB ESSENTIALS of Knowledge Management phần 1.pdf
Bạn càng nói về đầu tư tiếp thị và thực sự theo dõi chúng với sự chặt chẽ tài chính, EMM nhiều khả năng sẽ đạt được theo bên ngoài của tiếp thị. Xây dựng một hồ sơ cá nhân
210 2019-03-26 161.56 KB Chapter 6 Project management process improvement.pdf
Chapter 6: Commissioning Improvement Initiatives At this point we have assembled all of the tools we will need to implement a continuous project management process improvement program. Our next task is to put all of this together into a coherent program
211 2019-03-26 224.50 KB Chapter 3 Project management process improvement.pdf
Chapter 3: Assessing and Reporting Maturity Level. At this point we have a good grasp of the CMM as applied to project management. We have described maturity at all five levels for each of the 39 processes that makes up the nine knowledge areas of the
212 2019-03-26 329.00 KB Chapter 2 Project management process improvement.pdf
Chapter 2: Overview of the Project Management Maturity Model. 2.1 The Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model Beginning as early as 1986 the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), which is affiliated with Carnegie Mellon University, began
213 2019-03-26 185.71 KB Chapter 1 Project management process improvement.pdf
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Process Improvement Life Cycle. Designing, documenting, and implementing a project management methodology is a major undertaking. It is met with several obstacles, including: • Cultural and organizational barriers to
214 2019-03-26 394.07 KB Chapter 9 Project management process improvement.pdf
Chapter 9: Appendix: Maturity Assessment Questionnaire The Maturity Assessment Questionnaire consists of more than 800 questions divided into 39 project management processes grouped by knowledge area. Each process consists of a number of questions at
215 2019-03-26 440.91 KB Session 1 Introduction to project management.pdf
Sự thay đổi nhanh chóng và áp lực mạnh mẽ từ các cuộc cạnh tranh khắc nghiệt đã khiến ngày càng nhiều hoạt động của tổ chức trở thành công việc của dự án. Sự thay đổi
216 2019-03-26 104.75 KB Project Management Professional Chapter 12a (Question).pdf
Chapter 12a: Question about TIME MANAGEMENT. The following information and questions 1 through 10 refer to figure 1. A schedule was developed for a project to install windows in an apartment building. The project is a rush job, and the contractor has agreed
217 2019-03-26 83.54 KB Project Management Professional Chapter 18a (Question).pdf
Chapter 18a: Question about COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT 1. Which of the following media can a communicator use to present information? a. b. c. d. Visual Audio and visual Tactile Visual, audio, and tactile 2. The three principal interests in maintaining
218 2019-03-26 85.66 KB Project Management Professional Chapter 17a (Question).pdf
Chapter 17a: Question about CONTRACTS AND PROCUREMENT 1. A project manager must make a narrative description of the project. This narrative description covers the items that will be supplied under the contract with the client. It is called: a. b. c. d.
219 2019-03-26 41.62 KB Project Management Professional Chapter 19a (Question).pdf
Chapter 19a: Question about PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY 1. You are a project manager working on a project to market a new product. The deliverables of the project have been established, and the project work has begun. A contract to deliver the deliverables
220 2019-03-26 104.82 KB Project Management Professional Chapter 13a (Question).pdf
Chapter 13a: Question about COST MANAGEMENT 1. A project manager wants to make a trip to California by car. The project manager knows how many miles it will be to drive to California, the current price of gasoline, and how many miles the car will go on

... 9 10 11 12 13 ... 19 Show 201 - 220 of 373