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361 2019-03-26 33.00 KB Sự phát triển của Product Placement (PP) trong hiện tại và tương lai.doc
PP (quảng cáo thương hiệu trong điện ảnh) không phải là một hình thức kỹ thuật gì cao cấp trong phim ảnh, nó là việc sắp xếp để hình ảnh về sản phẩm xuất hiện cùng lúc với một số cảnh
362 2019-03-26 36.00 KB Cận cảnh về Product Placement (PP).doc
Một bộ phim thường gồm 3 phần: mở đầu, cao trào, kết thúc. Và PP hiện nay đang xuất hiện trong phần thứ 2 của mỗi bộ phim, đó chính là nơi mà những tuyến nhân vật đã được mô tả rõ
363 2019-03-26 154.77 KB Creating the project office 8.pdf
Creating the project office 8. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists of
364 2019-03-26 64.40 KB Creating the project office 32.pdf
Creating the project office 32. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
365 2019-03-26 133.08 KB Creating the project office 31.pdf
Creating the project office 31. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
366 2019-03-26 122.26 KB Creating the project office 30.pdf
Creating the project office 30. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
367 2019-03-26 117.29 KB Creating the project office 20.pdf
Creating the project office 20. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
368 2019-03-26 83.75 KB Creating the project office 21.pdf
Creating the project office 21. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
369 2019-03-26 188.46 KB Creating the project office 22.pdf
Creating the project office 22. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
370 2019-03-26 111.20 KB Creating the project office 23.pdf
Creating the project office 23. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
371 2019-03-26 179.65 KB Creating the project office 25.pdf
Creating the project office 25. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
372 2019-03-26 73.65 KB Creating the project office 26.pdf
Creating the project office 26. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
373 2019-03-26 77.68 KB Creating the project office 27.pdf
Creating the project office 27. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
374 2019-03-26 149.54 KB Creating the project office 28.pdf
Creating the project office 28. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
375 2019-03-26 58.28 KB Creating the project office 29.pdf
Creating the project office 29. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
376 2019-03-26 80.62 KB Creating the project office 18.pdf
Creating the project office 18. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
377 2019-03-26 74.01 KB Creating the project office 13.pdf
Creating the project office 13. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
378 2019-03-26 80.26 KB Creating the project office 12.pdf
Creating the project office 12. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists
379 2019-03-26 86.93 KB Creating the project office 9.pdf
Creating the project office 9. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists of
380 2019-03-26 120.53 KB Creating the project office 19.pdf
Creating the project office 9. This is a book about improving organizational performance by implementing a project office system that develops project management as a core competency and thus adds value to the organization. A project office consists of

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